17L 500-600mm tall
25L 1m tall
$90.00 – $120.00
A distinctive plant that slowly grows like a large clump of stiff, wiry grass, and after many years eventually forms a thick trunk. This outdoor plant originates from Mexico. Will grow to a maximum height of 4m.
Ask to view an established example.
The Mexican grass tree is the largest growing species of Dasylirion in cultivation. It is a natural specimen and focal accent plant due to its very long and cylindrical foliage and tall flowers spikes. A stout trunk can develop over many years and eventually reach 8-10 ft. in height; some specimens will develop branched trunks.
17L 500-600mm tall
25L 1m tall
Size | 17L, 500-600mm, 1m 25L |
Mon – Fri 8am – 4pm
Sat 10am-1pm
Sunday Closed
See Social Media for Public Holiday Hours
Waitangi Thursday 2025 – open normal hours
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