Australian Grass Trees – Please note they require NO phosphate in any fertilizers, give a mix of potash and nitrogen, and be mindful of fertilizing plants around them as it may leach down and will kill these beautiful plants.
Beautiful graceful plant. Likes free draining soil. Has tall flower spike and often becomes multi headed after flowering. In our experience it seems to like being around other plants. Doesn’t like phosphate fertilizer.
The Xanthorrhoea Johnsonii is a dramatic and spectacular species of grass tree native to Australia. The thickened trunks are black as a result of bush fires. The trunk is made up of a mass of old leaf bases held together by a natural resin and the centre is fibrous.
135 litre carry bag – (1.1 metre) $1000
In Ground – (1.4m)$1500
Australian Grass Trees – Please note they require NO phosphate in any fertilizers, give a mix of potash and nitrogen, and be mindful of fertilizing plants around them as it may leach down and will kill these beautiful plants.
Mon – Fri 8am – 4pm
Sat 10am-1pm
Sunday Closed
See Social Media for Public Holiday Hours
Waitangi Thursday 2025 – open normal hours
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